- All slaves must beg permission to enter and depart from the camp.
- There will be no nick changes among slaves while in the camp.
- There will be no forced collaring.
- All Assassins wishing to fulfill a contract must first ask the Master of the Camp in private.
- Popups and colors are not allowed.
- Duels will be done in the way's of Gor.
- The Master of this camp is the ultimate authority in all matters of contest and disputes.
Failure to abide by these rules will not be tolerated. Banning will occur if the camp Master so decrees it.
In the absence of a slave's master, the camp Master has the ultimate responsibility for the behavior and protection of all slaves in the absence of their respective Masters.

*Note: This is not a Disney-Gor channel we are true to our chosen lifestyle all we ask is that you respect it.
*Note: We follow the Novels of John Norman, this channel is based on two of them, Outlaws of GOR, and Priest Kings of GOR.
**Please NOTE: HNG's, Players, Fakes, and Hackers will find themselves well scrutinized, and ostracized.